Park Place Dental Group
Dentistry & Cosmetic and Restorative
Dentistry located in Arts Section, Newark, NJ
All-on-4™ implant-supported dentures can give you the confidence to smile, speak, and eat without worrying about your teeth slipping or falling out. This type of denture is different from traditional dentures in that they are anchored into your jawbone using four implants instead of resting on your gums.

All-on-4™ implant-supported dentures can give you a beautiful, natural-looking smile that feels secure. In our previous blog, we have explained how cosmetic dentists in Newark install dental implants. However, it is one of the most recommended treatments by leading cosmetic dentists. They also have many other benefits over traditional dentures.
Benefits of All-on-4 Implant-supported Dentures Vs. Traditional Dentures:
Dr. Myung Hyon, an oral surgeon in Newark, describes the advantages of implant-supported dentures using the All-on-4 approach, in contrast to traditional dentures.
More Secure:
Traditional dentures are not as stable as those supported by dental implants provided by All-on-4™. This is because the implants anchor the dentures into the jawbone. So when you converse or eat, you won't have to be concerned about them slipping or falling out of your mouth.
More Comfortable:
The fact that implant-supported dentures from All-on-4™ do not sit on the gums make them far more comfortable than conventional dentures. Our periodontist in Newark recommends dental implants as this may be helpful in reducing gum discomfort as well as gum inflammation.
Better for Your Overall Oral Health:
With All-on-4™ implant supported dentures, there is no need to remove your teeth every night for cleaning as you do with traditional dentures. This means that your teeth and gums will be healthier overall.
Can Last a Lifetime:
Because All-on-4™ implant supported dentures are so durable and well made, they can last a lifetime with proper care and dental visits with cosmetic dentists in Newark.
Natural Looking:
Finally, All-on-4™ implants supported dentures look very natural, thanks to the way they are anchored into your jawbone. No one will be able to tell that you are wearing false teeth unless you tell them!
If you are considering getting dentures, be sure to ask your implant dentist in Newark about All-on 4 implants supported dentures. These dentures offer many benefits over traditional ones, including being more comfortable, more secure, and better for your overall oral health.
For a one-on-one consultation, search dental implants near you in Newark online or connect directly with Dr. Myung Hyo, implant dentist. Dentures supported by implants can last for decades or even a lifetime if you take proper care of your oral hygiene.