5 Dental Facts You Should Know About Teeth Whitening in Newark

Park Place Dental Group

Dentistry & Cosmetic and Restorative
Dentistry located in Arts Section, Newark, NJ

Dental implants are a fantastic investment in your oral health and confidence, offering a permanent solution to missing teeth. However, proper care is essential to ensure their longevity and functionality./p>

In a previous blog post, we discussed the effects of dental implants on oral health. In this blog post, we present five crucial tips for looking after your dental implants.

5 Dental Facts You Should Know About Teeth Whitening in Newark

Teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after cosmetic dental treatments, offering a quick and effective way to brighten your smile. Whether you’re preparing for a special event or simply want to boost your confidence, teeth whitening can make a significant difference.

In a previous blog post, we discussed 5 popular cosmetic dentistry procedures in Newark . However, in this blog post, we will delve into five essential facts for those considering teeth whitening in Newark.

Here are some eye-opening facts you need to know about teeth whitening.

1. Professional Teeth Whitening Is More Effective

While there are numerous over-the-counter teeth whitening products available, professiona teeth whitening in Newark performed by a cosmetic dentist offers superior results. Professional treatments use higher concentrations of bleaching agents, which can whiten your teeth several shades in just one visit.

2. Not All Teeth Stains Are the Same

Teeth discoloration can be classified into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic stains. Extrinsic stains are surface stains caused by foods, drinks, and smoking, while intrinsic stains occur within the tooth and can result from aging, trauma, or certain medications. Understanding the type of stain is crucial for selecting the appropriate whitening treatment.

Intrinsic stains often require more intensive whitening treatments and may benefit from the expertise of an Essex county dentist in Newark.

3. Teeth Whitening Is Safe When Done Correctly

When performed by a qualified dental professional, teeth whitening is a safe procedure. Dentists take precautions to protect your gums and minimize tooth sensitivity. It’s essential to follow the dentist’s instructions and avoid overuse of whitening products, which can damage tooth enamel.

4. Results Are Not Permanent

The effects of teeth whitening are not permanent and can last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years, depending on your lifestyle and oral hygiene habits. Consuming staining foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, and red wine, can shorten the duration of your results. Regular touch-ups and good oral hygiene can help maintain your bright smile.

Whitening Isn’t Effective on All Dental Work

Teeth whitening treatments are designed to work on natural tooth enamel and are not effective on dental restorations such as crowns, veneers, or fillings. If you have dental work that is visible when you smile, discuss with your dentist how whitening treatments will affect your overall appearance and explore alternative options if necessary.


Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that can significantly enhance your smile. By understanding these five key facts, you can make informed decisions about your whitening options and maintain your results.

Whether you’re seeking professional teeth whitening or need advice on maintaining your bright smile, consulting with a trusted cosmetic dentist in Newark is the best way to achieve optimal results. Contact us now at 973-755-3203 to schedule your consultation and discover the personalized cosmetic dentistry options tailored to enhance your unique smile.


Conditions & Treatments

Park Place Dental Group
60 Park Place, 1107
Arts Section
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: 973-755-3203
Fax: 973-732-3207
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Tuesday 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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